
Client Review on Campos Market Research


I went to this place for a paid survey (can't tell you what it was about though, it is against their rules & I agreed to them). I've worked with them before but in a different location but it was very interesting & you get paid at the end when you leave. They used to pay you in cash but now it is with a visa debit card which is all very nice but the only thing I don't like about getting paid that way is that you can't take out the cash, you must use it to make a purchase. Other than that it was great. The people that work there have always been very nice and friendly, unfortunately I don't remember anyone's name, I don't think it really matters though. It was a convenient location for me to get to as I no longer drive & was able to take the bus then walk for about maybe ten minutes to get there. There was probably another bus that could have taken me closer but I didn't look into it. It was a nice day out & didn't mind the walk plus I needed the exercise anyway. I like being able to get my opinion out there for new products & services before they are made available to the general public & that is what I was there for. I'm not really sure what else they do, you'd have to check with them. All in all a very good experience so they receive 5 stars from me.

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