
Client Reviews on Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

    • 4.5
  • 8 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Buck Filbey Oct 16, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Shital Patel Oct 22, 2019



First company I worked where contractor came from outside of Canada they took decision and had managerial position on top of employer who had more qualification and experience, Social and Family value is Zero in this company as I mention most of retired consultant came to work here on executive and they have no care about young family, value on growing family problem. Those contract consultant only have aim to make money in short term. I had raise my issue and raise request several time to my next line of management but I dont think they bring to top of management or HR otherwise company should take better decision as only in rare circumstances company had employee like us.I had so many suggestion on improvement of system but keeping good idea away because of selfish Management those who don't care and just they came here to make money out of there contract period.Hopefully Government will take look into details how much consultant and contractor are making money? This should be stop ...Good Luck and sad to say the company lost so many talented employee or family in past and this will continue if they keep open eyes ...trying to hear bottom level employee.


Good area




I worked here during 2017. We had a very long snowy winter and a very late, wet spring. I worked with a lot of very good people there.


Exc llent research facility


Cool stuff going on here. Mark Mckenna is da man


Never actually been here, but I did a job in chalk river once. Have 5 stars.


There is a man working here with THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BEARD. He is so dreamy and he is great at his job. I rate him a 30 out of 10!!!!

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