
Client Review on Catch Fire Marketing, LLC


Full disclosure here. I really don't like giving anyone or any business a one-star rating. Especially because here on Google, they put words with it "Hated it." Hate is such a harsh word and I don't use it lightly.But two stars don't tell the full story and I feel it's important that a company be held accountable for misdeeds, and so one star it is.I work for a real estate agent (I manage her finances and anything, everything else there is to do) and in 2013, we decided to go with a marketing company to do her monthly mailings instead of having me do it (broke my heart). She had the funds for it and it seemed like a good idea at the time.Enter Catch Fire Marketing. I don't remember where she got their name but given her industry it was possibly a word of mouth referral.They have been working for this agent for the last two and a half years charging her somewhere between $185 and over $200 each month to send out mailings to her clients.During the course of a conversation between the real estate agent and Catch Fire, it was discovered that for no apparent reason, someone had flagged almost half of her clients to no longer receive mailings. According to their documentation, the note was made, "No reason given."This debacle has resulted in loss of potential income to the tune of almost $25,000. When you live on 100% commissions, that hurts! And that's the lost business that we can nail down! There's no way to know the exact implications of this gross error, the other missed word-of-mouth referrals to those overlooked clients' family members and friends!Real estate relies heavily on relationships and when you work with a client and then they go elsewhere, those relationships are very difficult to re-establish and so this has represented not simply lost PAST revenue but also current and future revenue as well!We have since fired Catch Fire who offered only to send one month of mailings for free. This in no way represents an appropriate response to the situation.It's possible they'll learn from their mistakes, but enter any business arrangement with them with your eyes wide open.

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