
Client Review on Century Hills


I’ve lived here awhile because it’s a good school district. But do not recommend it. There is currently a man waving a sign on the corner encouraging people to lease here... but they cannot afford to fix things like- the ceilings every time there is rain a scary amount of the ceiling comes crashing down), the walls have holes throughout the building, elevators/washer/dryers (they’re also more expensive than a laundromat) are constantly broken. Inside the apartments it seem they only slather paint over issues and hope you don’t notice? They are doing some nice updates on the older/empty units but will not do so for tenants who have been here. Everything within the apartments are old and run down, the only saving grace being the brick walls. Cool. They have a large pool which is very pretty from afar. But it’s dirty all the time (the indoor one as well) and instead of tending to it often they try place restrictions on its usage. No fun allowed in the pool, basically, or just very very little. The gym smells awful and the equipment is broken, the parking lots are so poorly paved I don’t know how we don’t all have flat tires, the staff have terrible attitude 80% of the time. And oh, we have car burglaries often but will they repair the lampposts so there’s maybe a little bit of lighting to deter criminals or at the very least provide safety as we walk from our cars at night? Hahahah no. So yea.. maybe look elsewhere. There are a ton of other issues but I think you get the idea if you just sat and read all of this.

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