
Client Review on Dotcomweavers


It was a nightmare dealing with DotcomWeavers. In 2014 we hired them to build a Magento online store - it turned out to be one of the worst experiences we've ever had -1. They delivered our project more than one month late; even with late delivery some of the functionality of the site was not there.2. Their so-called "expertise" in Magento was unture. Some basic functionality they did not know how to do it and took them forever to get it working. For instance, we sell products with multiple variations (color, sizes, etc) online; for product uploading it is impossible to do this manually one SKU by one. We were told by DotcomWeavers and Amit that this was not part of the project and we should do this manually. Come on, really? each SKU would took me more than 5 minutes to do it manually, let along each product we usually have about 40 SKUs; that's more than 3 hours for one single product. How's that even possible for hundreds of different products we have? Later they agreed to do product upload sheets for us, which should've been provided in the first place because it is very basic for Magento site product import. It took them about a month to figure all the import file out with me putting a lot of hours (I mean A LOT) to debug and made it work. They claimed they are the experts in Magento - it is a joke. One of their team lead was knowledgeable and professional, though.3. They used sub par programmers and designers for our website - design part of the project took weeks and they changed web designer in between, whose work was way off standards and off our design guideline that you could tell immediate that it was done by a totally different person with no experience. They don't tell you that until you challenge them. 4. For the work they do, their rate ($60/hr) is way way way too high. They outsourced pretty much everything to India, where they probably pay them no more than $10/hr. Great margin for DotcomWeavers but bad quality when they deliver. Additionally, they pushed the sales of their "responsive design" at a cost around $2,500; later we found "responsive design" is a default in Magento platform and should be offered at a minimal cost - that suggested to me DotComWeaver was not being honest with their cost and to their customers. Recently we found a team in Europe did a much more complicated Magento site for us at half of their rate, and almost zero complaint - like the product import file, they did it like a breeze. 5. If you disagree with quality of their work, they'll put all faults on you, as a customer. I dealt with Amit - he was just arrogant and thought he had the best team in planet and would blame it was all our fault. If you continue challenging him, make sure you make a backup copy of all your website files and change your password to your server; otherwise, get prepared that your website files will be deleted, your site will be down and your server be attacked.6. We lost our website due to disagreement with DotcomWeavers; we paid out of pocket over $10,000 still no website. Luckily, we were able to get $5,000 back from our credit card company by dispute and our proof of evidence. Unfortunately, we were out of $5K+ yet not website for our business. But DotcomWeavers did not care - All they care about is when they get paid at the ridiculous rate they chargeDon't even think about using DotcomWeavers; run away from them. They cannot deliver their promises and you, as a customer, cannot argue or disagree with them; or you'll lose your website and your money. Go and find people in Europe to do websites at half of their rate (they outsource to India)! A hard lesson we learnt!

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