
Client Review on GMPC Printing


Very disappointed. I work for a high end lighting manufacturer that was in the market for a new, local printer to take over our marketing material and gave GMPC a shot. I stopped in after calling and getting no call back, to inquire about higher quality business cards for my boss in time for a big expo we were presenting at. If we were happy, we'd get the rest of the staff's cards from them, try them out with brochures, catalogs, etc...When I got the cards, they didn't look like the sample I had picked and were totally inconsistent-color, thickness, alignment, marks all over them-everything was off and I literally ended up going through all 1,000 of them one by one to save as many as I could that were decent enough to use for the show. I sent pictures and explained that we were not happy and the response was, ''use what you can for the show and i'll get back to you after speaking to quality control''. I waited until the next day for a response before following up a second time. which I do not feel I should have had to do. From the beginning, I had to be pushy for answers and responses from the 'Senior Customer Service Rep'. I waited a week for the first batch and two weeks for the second. I don't know if the first batch was rushed (I certainly wasn't provided with an explanation), but there's no comparison between one order and the other-the second actually looks like what we ordered. The quality was obviously an issue but I also feel it just wasn't handled properly, I did not exactly feel like a 'valued customer''. I even told the woman helping me we were looking for a new printer for our company! Not a great way to gain business from new clients.

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