
Client Review on I 4 Solutions


Should be no star, but I had to select at least 1.Facts:I gave them my debit card number verbally and it was written down by hand - I was sitting next to the account rep in their lobby. I asked if it would be destroyed... he said yes.I asked them to create a particular feature for the site they were developing for me... they quoted $250-$350. I approved to that range in writing... NOTE: I did NOT approved an invoice, just for the work to be done.The feature above not only did not meet my approval, they admitted it cost them $1000 to develop... proving their initial quote did not take into account the actual work required. I was not paying for a try, I was paying for a result... this result did not meet the quality I was seeking and I told them to go back to a static image.Upon review of the "final" product, my frustration had built to such a point that I told them to shelve the project, and that it was not be be published (taken live). I told them we needed to discuss the quoted amount for the feature and my lack of acceptance, and to please invoice me for the balance of the project as initially quoted (2 installments of $750). For each of those installments, I was asked to approve before being invoiced and each time I approved.A few days after the second installment of $750, I woke up to a notification from my bank that a payment of $350 had made from my account. I found out it was i4 . There was no authorization of any kind. To date I do not have a receipt for the $350. And rather than just refund the money then sit and discuss, as I stated when I told them to not take the site live, they refused to refund and kept the $350 as a start of negotiation. I was also told that if I wrote this review, the $350 would be off the table:"But we want to be crystal clear, if you post the review, giving money back will be 100% off the table and legal will follow."Unfortunately for them, the $350 is irrelevant to me for its face value at this point.I have the emails where they state it was a mistake... that they were just as surprised as me, et cetera. When you a mistake, you make it right and then get back to the table to work things out. You do not hold client money hostage. They claim they called to refund the money, but that seems to have changed when I hung up on them:"We tried to refund you before you did the charge back, But you hung up on me, and did not even give us the chance to talk."Correct... when you take money without authorization, you tend to make folks very angry. You should expect such. Given the quoted logic, I guess I should have expected to not get the $350 back because I hung up on them... all my fault!In summary, I spent $1,850.00 ($1,500.00 + $350.00) and I have literally no work product to show for it. The exchange of value never happened. I will never do trade with them again nor will I ever recommend them.

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