
Client Review on Jz Embroidery


They put my item in the wrong place and the wrong size lettering. It was twice the size, not just a little bigger. We had discussed what i wanted multiple times when I originally brought the item in. He didn't write it down. I picked it up from the same guy that I had gone over the design and left it with. He said when the guy that was woking on the order asked where to place it he couldn't remember so he said wherever it was easier for the guy. He had taken my phone number which was on the invoice so could have easily called to ask. His response was basically too bad it is permanent and since I paid for it up front I had not recourse other than to write reviews. I would think size, location and color are three items that would be important to make sure are correct and 1 out of 3 is unacceptable and if you have a question ask don't assume or guess.

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