
Client Review on k2analytics.com


As a small business owner with a lot of work to do, I needed some help with my business presence on the internet. I was referred to k2analytics to help me with a new website and SEO. The site they created for me wasn't great but it wasn't terrible, and was only slightly better than what I already had. Their SEO services however, were paltry. I was paying a lot of money per month for practically no results. I would ask them how my website was performing and they would constantly tell me "we're doing great, you're #1 on Google!"I was a little skeptical about this since my online leads had not increased, but rather diminished almost completely. After four months of them making excuses as to why this happened and how I just need to wait another few months since SEO requires a 3-6 month commitment, I was sick of their unprofessionalism and inability to handle my web presence. My nephew, who hasn't even been doing SEO for a year, was able to bring all of their failures to my attention when he showed me my website analytics and performance over the last few months.I'm now giving my nephew the chance to help me rebuild my web pressence and in a month he has done more than k2analytics were ever able to do for me. To any prospective business owners out there, please pass by this agency, as they have no idea what they're doing. Your money would be better spent gambling in the strip casinos, since at least there you have some chance of making extra money from your investment.

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