
Client Review on Markets Beyond Group


I contacted Carla Churyk to help optimize my web site. I own a computer repair and support business. I have had a web site for three years, but when people did a Google search for a computer repair service, my website was many pages into the results, making it unlikely a customer would find my business. One of the many services Carla offers is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is a way to optimize your web site so Google can find it more easily; therefore listing it within the first couple of pages of a search. Carla helped me get my web site ranked higher on Google so more people could easily find my business. I noticed results within two weeks of Carla optimizing my site; as a result, when people search for a computer repair service, my web site appears on Google’s first or second page. I would certainly recommend Carla Churyk for assisting with any online needs your business may have.

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