
Client Review on Mighty Sharp Co


Using Mighty Sharp Co to develop our website was one of the best decisions we've ever made. Our web design was handled internally for several years, but we knew it was time to outsource to a professional.Trying to find a developer is easy. However, trying to find a developer you can trust is a daunting task. There always seems to be a sacrifice between budget, quality, ability, and design.We had spoken with several different companies, but after our first meeting with Ryan and 'RD', we immediately felt comfortable with their ideas. They took time to learn about our culture, what we're about, and actively listened to our thoughts. Every member of their team was friendly and treated us with respect. If we had any questions or concerns, they were more than adequately answered and RD thoroughly explained their reasoning behind any prospective changes.We feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Ryan, RD, James, and the rest of the Mighty Sharp team.We highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reputable web developer with rock solid skills. Our experience was overwhelmingly positive and we could not be more satisfied with the end result.Thank you for making us look mighty sharp!

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