
Client Reviews on Mississippi Mills Public Library, Almonte Branch

    • 4.8
  • 5 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

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By Mike Sobol Oct 22, 2019


Most helpful critical review

There are no negative reviews on Mississippi Mills Public Library, Almonte Branch


This is a wonderful local library with excellent programs and staff. Needs to be supported by the community.


The Almonte library is a peaceful haven in a busy world. The staff take care of all the necessary tasks to keep the library current and running smoothly. On top of that, they are friendly, very helpful and create or support many engaging programs. I can always count on finding something interesting to read, listen to or watch at the Almonte library.


You couldn't ask for a better staff. The service is incredible. I requested a couple of books thinking I'd be lucky to get one. Within a month, they called me saying they purchased the books I requested and had them on hold. I am so grateful!


This is what all libraries should be like. Lovely staff, great programs, well connected to the community. Love the kids' area.


It would be hard to find a more positive and helpful library staff anywhere. I love our library! Jane Beall in Middleville

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