
About - Sales & Orders

114 New South Road | Hicksville, New York, 11801

Sales & Orders Reviews

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Michael Walgren
Michael Walgren

  • 1 contributions

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Overall Feedback:

An unpleasant employee by the name of 'Tucker Boonstra' continually harassed the company that I work for and myself through various different methods. After requesting to be removed from their newsletter (which I did not sign up for cough cough CANSPAM violation cough cough) they decided to bypass my removal from the subscription list by sending me individual emails from their employee accounts. Then, Tucker proceeded to contact me through LinkedIn. I politely asked Tucker to stop contacting us as we agreed if we were interested WE would contact HIM. He told me that he and the company SalesandOrders would stop reaching out to us after I continually told him we were not interested. The following Monday (3 days later) Tucker continued to contact our company via email. I went as far as to BLOCK HIM and report him as spam on multiple platforms. Now I'm here to bring it to the attention of Sales and Orders, that this unprofessional behavior and harassment will not be tolerated.

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