
Client Review on Signarama Kenilworth


Every graphic designer that buckles and works for 3rd party printing chain: Hey The design you sent is pixely can you send it to me in a higher resolution?Me: sure i did it at ___ want me to redo it with a pixel count of ___? 3rd party gd chain cuck: Hey it's still to pixelated Me: Sure want me to do it in ___ amount of pixels since it's for a banner? Sure3rd party gd chain cuck: Hey it's still to pixelated Me: okay i'll just adjust it again, (literally takes pixel count from the hundreds to 1500 and sends)3rd party gd chain cuck: hey it's still to pixelated* this goes on until it's redone and the pixel count is 10,0003rd party gd chain cuck: Hey listen can I just do it it's still to pixelated can I just do it, the charge is $50 i know but it goes a long way.Me: *sends video of absurd pixel count being sent to him from last time.3rd party gd chain cuck: Do you have vector?I knew or know the kid (if he still works there) literally the most awkward brat ever and has the worst portfolio ever. If you see this I got some yard work that can be done for $100 bucks if you're that desperate for money, just try not to waste my time again. Also adjusting the "&" symbol doesn't mean it's a part of your portfolio, it means you stole an idea because you suck and pray that others need the printing equipment you have at your job. Also nice horrid squiggle of flames you hand painted for that poor business.

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