
Client Review on Junior Graphics


Robert was extremely helpful and professional in setting up my website. He explained the process in clear detail, provided samples to assist me in choosing the type of site that would best suit my needs, and then proceeded with me from A-Z -- from setting up the initial "look" and the first draft of content to an attractive, informative and perfectly functioning website. (I have received several compliments from colleagues in my profession on the high quality of the website.) Not only was Robert invaluable in the technology-related aspects of this project, he was highly responsive and extremely prompt in going from step to step, making revisions, removing bugs/glitches, and generally guiding this project to successful completion. Since then, Robert has obtained a new business email address for me, advised of available options related to maintaining the address, updated the website with new content at my request, and has been available for any issue with which I needed assistance. It is a pleasure to work with Robert and I am pleased to provide this high recommendation.

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