
Client Review on Virginia City Mercantile


Extremely overpriced. Wasn't paying attention, and paid it anyways, but I ended up spending over $100 in the store. How is that possible?$20 for a signThats leaves $80 for two bottles of hot sauce and 24-30 pieces of taffy.Like many said, the taffy is OLD. Might as well just sell it as hard candy. Dried, crunchy, horrible. Friend purchased a novelty item that had batteries (unable to change out batteries) which were dead upon first test.No photos allowed, even for paying customers. The owner probably doesn't want full-fledged proof of horrible pricing on old products. I almost picked up a 20 oz bottle of Vernors, but it was $7. That is a US domestic soda, not something imported from the other side of the planet.This place needs to go out of business. Higher prices on inferior products goes against everything basic in business.

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