
Client Reviews on The West Nipissing General Hospital

    • 3.7
  • 6 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Kirsten Audette Jul 22, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Tania Danis Oct 22, 2019



Awesome hospital. All the staff from custodians to nurses to Dr.s are awesome. Just need a few more Dr's and Nurses. Thanks Guys you are the best.


I been to sturgeon hospital twice in one week for an throat infection. First visit, sent me home with no direction, 2nd visit I was sent home again with no prescription for my problem. By the 3rd time I decided to go to North bay hospital. Finally received a prescription. Missed 2 days of work because sturgeon hospital did not provide me with the treatment necessary. I've never been satisfied with the service in sturgeon falls hospital and I think it safe to say that I am not the only person in this community that feels the same way. Something needs to change. It is disturbing how many people complain about this hospital for such a small community. What is the common denominator here? Worse hospital I ever been to.


Wonderful hospital. The NURSES ARE GREAT! I brought my 9 year old grandson in as he had a sore throat and high fevers. Turned out he had strep. The nurse called me 4 times today to check up on Shawn and give me advice. I got called to bring him in for some more testing. These ER nurses go above and beyond to show dedication and commitment to the patients. Yes! Sometimes their is a wait time ( someone could be sicker than you) or an emergency has come up that is life threatening. Also, I have had a nurse speak to me in a frustrated tone and in fairness I've given it back....What we don't see is these nurses might have missed there lunch, or break because the ER is busy or an emergency has happened. WNGH is the best hospital I've been to up North. These nurses and doctors don't get enough credit. Thank you WNGH for the great care that you provide for my family. Keep up the good work.


Worst hospital you could ever go to. The nurses act like you're bothering them with your sickness, there's only 1 doctor there ever and its always some fat person; how can you even take their health care seriously?


I've been to all sorts of hospitals. The wait is usually 5+ hours even with a serious problem, and I've had family in other near by hospitals be turned away without testing for obvious problems (listing face on one side, slurred speech, poor coordination) and turned out they had a stroke and went without treatment.The doctors and nurses in the WNGH are very knowledgeable, they are compassionate, and do their job properly. They run tests to err on the side of caution, and treat people fairly. And even notify them of possible serious issues that other hospitals near by did not. And it must be said that my average wait time is 1-2 hours from start to finish. Thank you for the kind and compassionate care that you have offered myself and my mother over the last few years. We travel from out of town to your hospital because we know we will be treated properly and with honesty and integrity.


Great small town hospital

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