
Client Reviews on ZorgTek

    • 5.0
  • 4 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

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By Lloyd Kilmer Oct 18, 2019


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Zorgtek provided important market research for one of our products. In addition Reggie completed a SEO on our website and helped produce several videos and podcasts to enhance our brand. They can make a difference on your web presence.


I have been working with ZorgTek for 3 months and the results have been AMAZING! I had my highest producing months which is awesome, but more importantly, I have felt coached and encouraged. The staff at ZorgTek are professional, courteous and kind. I look forward to our growing relationship!


Definitely happy with the lead generation strategies that Zorgtek has implemented to get new patients coming into my clinic!


Reggie and his team have taken what we thought was an already great online presence to the next level! Zorgtek makes you think outside the box and brings new and innovative ideas to the board to help promote your business not only on the social media front, but as an entire online presence.

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