
Client Reviews on Security Water District

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  • 18 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By nathaniel garcia Apr 21, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Matt McNier Oct 21, 2019



They ripped up Cody Dr for weeks, causing very inconvenient detours to Bradley Rd. Then, because the crew they hired was slacking, they didn't finish the project. The street is still all ripped up at Cactus/Cody. There's a ton of muddy potholes. Oh, and let's not forget that they regularly fail testing. Can't wait to sell my house and move out of their district!


This is the worst water company I've seen in any state or country that I have lived in. The list of things that are wrong with this company are too numerous to count but the highlights are poor customer service, contaminated water, outdated technology, and poor operating procedures. Someone needs to drain the swamp there.


wow! tried to pay online. never saw such a high fee! nearly 10 bucks! coupled with the dismal customer service and contaminated water issues - your reputation is looking more like the city of Flint everyday.and still can't get it out of my mind ...the time I went into the office when my water was shut off because I could not pay my bill and two of the customer service people were laughing / joking about the drop box customer who couldn't pay his bill and had written a note on the statement trying to explain...) This organization is a wart on the nose of our nice community.


11 years utilizing Security Water and Sanitation. They are always, polite, prompt and friendly.


I like Security Water & Sanitation .... they're very friendly and professional!


Awesome staff!!! Always so friendly and helpful. Thank you !!!


Shut off the water because previous owner didn't let them know they sold the house. Won't turn it back on until previous owner parts their final bill. This is ridiculous!


I called today to discuss putting the water in my name for a house I just bought. The guy I talked to on the phone was extremely rude with me , and stated that the previous owners had not settled their bill and that it needs to be done or I will be responsible for the bill. I just closed on the 1st, so instead of being helpful he was rude and abrupt with me.


Customer sercice oriented.


You don't have enough room on here, so I will highlight as much as I can. First off, I've lived in Security most of my life, (1973). When we bought our home back in 1992, the previous owners owed a bill and we had to pay it before we could change it into our name. We found this out purely by mistake, but before closing, so they had to pay it. Secondly, after my husband passed away in 8/2000. Our sewer line was so bad that I had to replace it from my house all of the way out to the other side of the sidewalk. Which most of us would think would be all we should have to do. But "NO" they said it was our responsibility to replace it all of the way out to the middle of the street to hook up to their pipe. Well, as I said, my husband had just passed away, so money was extremely tight, and I was only working part time as I had to care for my sick husband for 8 years before he died. So I could only afford to replace it to the other side of the sidewalk. After all was said and done...we STILL HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE SEWER LINE!! So recently our sewer line was backed up AGAIN, SO I PAID A GUY TO COME OUT AND ROTOR ROOT OUR SEWERLINE AGAIN. THIS TIME, IT WASN'T CLEARING OUT AT ALL! So I call security water and sanitation. Their USELESS GUY RIDES OVER TO MY HOUSE, GETS OUT AND SAYS AGAIN, YEAH YOU NEED TO REPLACE THE LINE FROM THE SIDEWALK OUT TO THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET, AND YOU NEED TO PAY FOR IT, I LOOKED AND THERE IS WATER FLOWING THROUGH THE LINES FROM UP NORTH OF YOU, TO THE SOUTH OF YOU. I SAID I'M NOT PAYING FOR IT, I DON'T OWN THE STREET! SO THE GUY GETS BACK IN HIS TRUCK AND SAYS, JUST KEEP PUNCHING AT IT, IT WILL EVENTUALLY BREAK THROUGH! So the guy I hired kept punching through it, to which we heard a great big noise like a BIG BEAR ROARING, IT HAD FINALLY BROKE THROUGH!! Thank GOD!! You would think this would be the end of it, BUT NO! Not even 3 weeks later, the line is backed up AGAIN! So I call my guy back out to my house and he bought a new line and the end tool and tries to do it all again, but to NO AVAIL. SO FOR 3 WEEKS MORE THE SEWAGE KEPT BACKING UP INTO MY YARD, WHICH NO ONE ON GODS GREEN EARTH SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE WITH...RAW SEWAGE IN MY YARD!!! BUT, IT GETS BETTER...SECURITY WATER AND SANITATION ARE OUT BACK OF OUR YARDS 3 WEEKS LATER, VACUUMING OUT THE SEWER LINES, SECRETLY FOR 3 OR 4 DAYS STRAIGHT! AND LO AND BEHOLD, OUR SEWER LINE MYSTERIOUSLY CLEARS OUT, ALL BY ITS LITTLE SELF! Please take notice of this security water and sanitation, as I will not hesitate to hire me a lawyer and go after you for being LAZY AND NOT DOING YOUR JOBS AND CLEARING OUT THE SEWER LINES AND MAKING MY FAMILY LIVE IN THIS FILTHY CONDITION! AND DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO VACUUM OUT THE SEWER LINES AT LEAST TWICE A YEAR!! AS OUR BILLS HAVE TRIPLED IN PRICE SINCE WE BOUGHT THIS HOUSE, AND DON'T. GET ME STARTED ON THE 2 TIMES OUR WATER HAS BEEN CONTAMINATED BUT YOUR SOLUTION WAS TO BLOCK OUR ACCESS TO OUR BACK YARDS SO NO ONE CAN CONTAMINATE OUR WATER, HOW'S THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU SO FAR???

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