
Client Review on Shift Ad Agency


I'm not very impressed with this company. I'm breaking it out for a more fair review.The builder did a decent job on the home as far as I can tell, there are some flaws but no one can truly expect a home to be perfect and the star I have to give goes to them. I visited the site multiple times during the building process and didn't notice any questionable issues. This being said I'm still nervous about how the work will hold up in the following years due to the enormous amount of bad reviews.Every other thing about this company is an issue.1st: Expect no customization and things to be installed differently than the layout provided(They will also use cheaper things if they are getting a better deal. The main example I have is the Kitchen light fixture that was installed in my home doesn't match any other light fixture). Minor issue but still annoying. 2nd: Things used in the construction look nice but are cheap and will wear out more quickly than higher quality goods. The price makes up for this initially I personally plan on renovating as I have time and money.3rd: They will not for any reason reduce the price once they have a signed contract. I was surprised to find the other two homes that were slated to be completed at the same time as mine were reduced in price one week after I signed my contract(currently the other house exactly like mine in the area is being sold for a cheaper price than I payed; It also has a bigger lot). I was told it was because of the sq. ft. but I doubt it. Anyway I asked for a discount because of this and was told absolutely not. I also had my realtor ask for money off the price for the issue below and they refused. 4th: I initially was told there would be an HOA and I asked what the dues would be used for but they didn't have even the slightest idea. I then found out that after I signed the contract there would not be an HOA. The day of my closing they came back and said that there was going to be an HOA for the maintenance of the communities private sewer. Not, only was I blind sided by this additional cost they refused to compensate me for anything other than a few months and the initial fee. I would like to make the fair point that over the next 30 years of my mortage this will cost me more than 7 thousand additional dollars. Not only do I have an issue with this, but this being a last minute thing caused me to have to push back my closing day an additional 48 hours due to the paper work being incomplete. This is after already pushing it back half a week for construction delays. If I had been in the situation where I had a moving truck on its way to the house I would have been furious.5th: I had to already request my first maintenance/warranty request due to my septic system already backing up... I've never owned a septic system so all I knew was that if the alarm goes off the system is backed up and I needed to call someone, however the alarm wasn't going off so I didn't think there was an issue, but when the plumber came out he said the alarm and the pump were never turned on. Wade Jurney also just called the plumber without ever confirming they received my request. I was kind of surprised when I got a call from the plumber. Anyway, I will not suggest that anyone buys a home from this company.

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